Friday 30 September 2011

Design Brief

A design brief is used to help identify the customers requests in a structured way. It helps the person reviewing the brief understand what the customer wants and doesn't want. Doing this will enhance the overall timescale of the project because everything is in order and will make more sense. It will  identify any constraints, the colour schemes, so the designer doesn't have to find previous emails, chase up telephone conversations, etc. A design brief will also be beneficial because if one designer doesn't complete the job and goes off ill, another designer can pick it back up from where you left off. 

Key Terms Used in Design:

JPEG - A JPEG is an image format. 
PDF - stands for portable document format and is used to represent a document in a manner that everyone can view it. 
EPS - an EPS is an image typically used to send to print as they're in vectors. EPS' are used in Adobe Illustrator. 
A4 - A4 is a standard paper sized used in the UK
PSD- A Photoshop document — an Adobe extension
CMYK - Process colour: cyan magenta yellow and key (black) - used in print
RGB - process colour: red, green, blue - typically used in web 

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