Tuesday 1 May 2012

Explain how creative thinking techniques can be used to generate ideas in any design context

Explain how creative thinking techniques can be used to generate ideas in any design context

Mind maps - They can help by gathering all your ideas together and showing them in a simplified form and spanning off one another neatly and effectively

Discussions - They can help because ideas will bounce off each other whereas if you were to think individually your mind is more prone to be distracted and mislead off the end target

Role playing - This can help because it puts you in the situation and makes you feel more involved and take on the clients role

Scenarios - These are beneficial because it makes you think 'What would I want from this company' and makes you wonder what this company has which competitors don't

Doodling - Doodling helps because it let's your mind wander and sometimes the best things happen by mistake. It helps as a starting point until you move onto the design software

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