Wednesday 9 May 2012

Designers and formal elements

In this design Saul Bass uses all the formal elements by placing the image on the left and the text going around the image it shows balance of the artwork and how it all flows nicely and nothing looks out of place. The proportioning of the piece is consistent and enables the balance to be strong and the whole piece is easy on the eye. The rhythm of Saul Bass' piece is strong, through the black and red stripes and represents the title because your eyes are constantly moving so your mind is active trying to read the title and subconsciously missing out the blank red stripes. The fact the whole design is monochrome and the title headings are red adds to the emphasis of the whole piece. The overall positioning and rhythm of the piece all works together well and creates unity throughout. 

Peter Saville uses all the formal elements in this piece by using bold colours, clean lines and a simple illustration the balance of the piece is simple and although there's block colour at the top which is bold and prominent in the design this balances out and emphasises the information in the black and white stripes at the bottom of the piece. The proportion of this design is strong and the overall positioning of the elements are well thought out with the block colour background with contrasting colour stripes at the bottom of the design, with the illustration breaking it all up representing sound and vibrations. The rhythm of the design is all left aligned and straight lines. The overall positioning and simplicity of the design works together effectively and creates unity throughout. 

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