Monday 28 November 2011

Style Unisex Salon

The Royal Oak


Double Page Spread Al Forno

With this ad the customer provided the images of the restaurant and what typefaces to use. They also said the colour scheme is  cream and chocolate so I used a cream background. They also said it has to look 'rustic' so I found a rustic piece of wood on the internet and put it behind the cream background and tinted them both back so the wood was visible but not over powering. 

Hair at Monroe's

With this ad the customer provided the text and image so I made the image cover half the ad and faded it in the the heading "Get your head..." I used a purple bar for the limited spaces bit to make it stand out and I used a red to make it more prominent. I left and right aligned the details at the bottom so there was some blank space but not enough to look empty.  

Completely Covered

Logo Design Completely Covered

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The hair studio

With this ad the customer supplied the images and the text in the email. I decided to make the image the focus so it draws people in. I then put the vouchers offers to the other side and blend the picture into them as well as the separation line between each one. I used the red colour for the headings so it stood out again the grey. I used a scissor glyph at the bottom to reduce the white space while still focusing on the selling point (hairdressers). The customer was happy with the ad, this was his response: 

North Leeds Life Full Page promo

This was the first advert I designed and the customer didn't like the purple banner across the bottom, the border, the fact their logo is close to the edge and the reflection of the title...

The advert below is what it looks like after these amendments and it got accepted.

To create these ad's I prioritised the images and the worked everything else around them, along with the text that follows them. I made the text small. I used a bold font to highlight the 'celebrating success' and a  softer serif font for the other bits of text, which is also incorporated in their logo. I used purples so it matched the logo. I also used circle shapes at two edges to break up some of the white space, and again, keep the purple consistent. I used inDesign to create these and Photoshop to convert the images to CMYK.