Tuesday 13 September 2011

Imber Court

With this ad the customer provided the text and Dean found me the image for me to use. I used InDesign to create this. With the title text I wanted to use a font that was eye catching and something, which stood out as being 'Wedding related'. I found the border on the Internet and copied and pasted them and made them meet in the middle, I also tinted them back so they were easy on the eye and didn't draw attention away from the title. The customer asked for a lilac colour scheme so I stuck to that and introduced more bolder; prominent colours for the telephone number and the title. With the picture I had to use Photoshop to convert the image to CMYK; then I used an on the edges which took away the hard edges which I thought it gave a similar effect to confetti, which also fits in with the overall wedding ad.

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