Tuesday 31 January 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Digital Portfolio

The advantages of a digital portfolio is that it can be viewed by anyone at anytime, it's free, easy and requires minimal effort. The fact there's more than one unlike a paper based portfolio makes it easier to dispatch without spending money on printing, portfolios, etc. 

The disadvantages of a digital portfolio is that it doesn't look as professional as a paper based one and the person viewing can't get a proper feel of the work because it isn't printed and presented in front of them. Another disadvantage would be plagiarism, people can view your work and easily steal it and claim it as their own. 

Reasons for uploading a digital portfolio
The reasons for uploading a digital portfolio are so you can demonstrate skills and techniques to potential employers. Another reason is so you can keep it as a reference for inspiration to use on new pieces of work. 

Thursday 26 January 2012

Unit 16: Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

1.1 Describe different creative thinking techniques and how they work. Different creative thinking techniques include mind mapping, which is a technique which is both simple, and effective. The main subject focus is in the middle with a ring around it and it has lot's of arrows coming off it, possibly with sub categories off sub categories, etc. The mind mapping technique is a short and quick way of taking notes. Another example of creative thinking would be information graphics which is showing data by using graphics, rather than charts, tables, etc. Information graphics is easy on the eye and makes learning a little interesting.

1.2 Describe how creative thinking has developed over time and its impact of society.
Creative thinking has developed in a variety of ways. It used to all numbers and charts; now you can make it colourful and interesting by using images- called information graphics. It has impacted society by making us realise that facts don't have to be done in a spreadsheet or written down it can be bright and intriguing!

1.3 Explain how creativity can apply in both creative and non-creative contexts. Creativity can apply in both creative and non-creative contexts 

1.4 Explain the potential impact of creative thinking on individuals and businesses.

1.5 Identify the techniques that can be used for filtering diverse information.