Tuesday 13 December 2011

Cathay Princess

The Customer provided this to show the look of what the company is trying to achieve:

Th customer provided the text and I got 3 of the images of the clients website:

I used a drop shadow on the title so it looked like it's 'jumping out' I used Illustrator to create the gold banners by using the line tool and using a brush to create a jagged effect:

then in inDesign i held down the 'alt' key and the down arrow to repeat it so it created a box the grouped the objects. I used a Chinese background and faded it out. The client hasn't approved the artwork yet. 

Thursday 8 December 2011

J. Parriss

The Olde Coach House Editorial


The Client asked for a re design of this:

this was the brief:

With this ad i kept the purple background which they show. and i used a white banner across the top so  the logo in place and not just dropped on. They supplied a higher res image to replace the one of the 3 different hairstyles:  

I had to Photoshop out the logo with the 'Spot healing' tool. I used the red banners because it clashes with purple and your eyes are automatically drawn to the offer. I concentrated on the offer at first and making that look effective and after that i fitted all the other text around it accordingly. I made the prices bold so they are more apparent. 

Nails by Francesca

With this ad the customer provided the text and asked to make it similar to this:

I made this ad so it was simplified compared to the one they supplied. I still kept the wave effect with the picture. To make the curve I used the pen tool in inDesign. I found a picture on google images and I pasted it into the wave and the used the pen tool again the go around the end of the nail file to make it look as if it's coming out of the image. I used a subtle pink colour for the banner to help separate the ad and make their main selling point more apparent. The customer was happy with the ad:

Chapel A

With this ad the customer provided the images and the text. I used a green colour because it's bright and I thought it would represent the place well. I put the images at the top so the reader can see straight away what it's about. The client was happy with the ad and just asked for small amendments like typo's and images swapping around.